Updated May 2022
Hello! I am Craig Hedge (aka The Cocreator Coach) and I am passionate about guiding and supporting people towards the best expression of themselves that they choose to be.
"I Help People Access Their Powerful Inner Reserves And Resources To Build Strength And Confidence."
Are you living the life you truly want to live... or at the very least moving towards it? I invite you to connect to who it is you really are, to create new possibilities in your world, to open to new opportunities, and to create new ways of seeing and experiencing your life.
"Focusing on your strengths and getting clear about who you really are is the key to moving forward in life."
Regardless of where you are at..or not at in your life, you can move closer towards the life you truly want to live. I can help you move closer towards that life.
I specialise in the areas of:
- Work life balance - and transitioning to new ways of living and being.
- Spirituality and self development - aligning personal beliefs and values.
- Strengths focused coaching - yes you do have strengths and we will find them!
- Relationships: The most important one being your relationship with yourself.
- Confidence and self esteem - Find it. Acknowledge it. Grow from it.
- Fitness coaching: Ensuring you are truly aligned and connected to your fitness goals.
- Weightloss coaching: Understanding the cycle and moving beyond it.
- Career coaching and transition.
- Helping YOU connect to who it is you are... and to who it is you choose to become.
I strongly acknowledge the power of cocreation, the importance of focusing on strengths, the awareness of being guided by intuition, and developing the confidence and intention to trust and act on instinct.
I am the creator and cocreator of a number of self development and coaching programs. I have over 30 years experience in the field of personal, spiritual and self development.
I am a Certified Professional Coach (CPC) and an Associate Certified Coach (ACC) with the International Coach Federation (ICF). Prior to my coaching studies, I attained an Associate Diploma of Social Science in Community Services.
"I help people transition and move towards new ways of being and seeing their world - creating new opportunities and possibilities in their lives."
My study background, both formal and personal, has been focused on working with and for people and further developing my own understandings, and my personal, professional, and (just as importantly) spiritual development.
Prior to working (I call it playing) as a Life Transformation Coach, I was employed by the Department of Treasury and Finance in Tasmania Australia for over 10 years in the Liquor and Gaming Branch in the Operations and Compliance teams.
In fact, if you work in, own or operate a liquor or gaming venue in Southern Tasmania, the chances are you, or your staff, have more than likely crossed my path, or worked indirectly or directly with me between 2004-2014... and on following public service contracts into 2017.
"With over 30 years experience in personal and
professional development, I have the training, the skills, and the experience, to help you move forward in your life."
My focus on building stronger stakeholder relationships, providing information with education, and my passion for adding value and seeing people prosper and succeed in their lives and businesses, was acknowledged and respected in the department and the wider industry.
My philosophy is to keep adding value and to constantly improve service delivery - with the ultimate aim and intention to facilitate a process where individuals empower themselves to take action that serves their businesses and the community.
I keep fit and healthy with regular outdoor and indoor gym workout sessions, cycling and walking. I live and advocate developing and creating a lifestyle, and a work life balance, that is aligned to your personal values - living a life that works for you.
"My fees are based around a 'value for value' pricing model so you can access coaching with me knowing that the value you receive is based on your experience - not on a sales pitch."
One of my life long passions is fishing. I love spending time in and around coastal and natural environments. I can often be found fishing a coastline or wandering and exploring a beach....in between looking for birds and animals... and of course fish!
I live the life and the values I advocate and write about. So much so, that when I left the corporate world, I sold up most of my possessions, grabbed a backpack, and started living life on the road.
My life experience, and my curiosity about learning and life, means I walk the talk - I coach what I live.
Importantly, I am always recreating my life and looking for improvement - life isn't static for me - life is always changing, and so do I.
"Life coaching with me is a powerful way to get clearer on what really motivates or inspires you in your life."
After travelling, volunteering, working and coaching throughout the UK in 2015, I returned to Tasmania with a renewed sense of self and a stronger vision of the way I could continue to further develop my life and my understandings.
*If you would like to connect with me for a coaching session, or to find out further information about what coaching could do for you, simply go to the contact me form on the home page (or via the card below) and I will contact you usually within 24 hours.
Craig Hedge Life Coaching
The Cocreator Coach