HISTORY Shows How Not To Effect Change. COACHING Has The Questions To Counter It!
I recall a quote I heard many years ago;
"There are two kinds of dangerous people in the world.
Those who want to change everything.
And those who want to change nothing."
It has always been a reminder for me to curb my own enthusiasm for change, and to ensure that sound foundations and understandings need to be applied to any change to give it a higher probability of sticking and working longer term.
It's a big part of my evidence based coaching approach.
It seems our mainstream media news programming services reward compliance and agreement, and punish anything else that doesn't fit with whatever narrative they deem is right, just - and unquestionable.
History says that kind of approach doesn't end very well.
It divides people under the guise or cover of unifying them.
"Believe this... or else!"
It's a quick fix for any issue or problem that cannot be fixed quickly.
Fundamentalists love these approaches!
Personally speaking, I don't think human beings - or is that human doings? - have the emotional intelligence, or the spiritual intelligence, to understand what consciousness is, how it determines reality, and how they can use that for their own growth and development.
We see a wrong and we think fixing it is as simple as enforcing a new narrative, or slogan or approach and shutting down - (FEAR messaging) - any discussion or conversation about it.
It's infantile. It's shortsighted. It's often seen as virtue signalling.
It doesn't understand how effective lasting change works.
(or it does see it and then does it anyway...).
It is too focused on intellectual understanding and capacity whilst not comprehending the bigger picture and wider ingredients required for effective lasting change.
Fast fundamental change also looks good on the surface of things, ticks a lot of boxes, can enhance political careers, and is a sure fire way to play it safe.
Once a narrative is accepted, agreed, enforced, and all other opinion is shutdown or ridiculed or punished, we effectively have the truth ... and everything else?
Well it isn't truth... and we certainly cannot have that!
The more I go through life, the more life becomes clearer to me that this planet, and the people on it, are here for training - not perfection - or to create perfect systems.
Earth is a training ground in my opinion.
I think we can aspire towards being better - great even - but perfection is not a game for this world.
This is about development.
(that is part of my coaching approach as well... we are always developing and improving if we choose to).
There is an energy, a consciousness, that moves or exists within all things (at least that is how a limited person like myself sees it this week at least!) and the quality of that energy depends on the hosts of that energy and their ability to be able to consciously step up to their power and understanding and development of that energy... independent of the mass energy and consciousness around them.
It's probably why I bang on about responsibility, accountability and integrity.
You step up to your own power.
It requires effort, energy, intent and purpose.
Somebody else cannot do it for you.
The overall energy or consciousness of the people will only ever be as productive as the lower end or mass consciousness threshold.
In a system that relies on fear for change that rewards mediocrity or dishonesty even?
That energy or consciousness threshold will be low.
If its low it's controllable - very controllable.
Hence constant fear messaging everywhere.
We are incredibly programmable and predictable... particularly when we are in a state of fear.
(I am hoping some pennies are dropping as you continue to question the reality of truth as it is presented to you).
How do we become aware of this conditioned programmed fear and energy and how might we seek to change it?
Keep asking questions - and counter-intuitively perhaps - stay curious and accept that the truth that matters is not presented to you in a box with chains and a must-do and believe contract attached to it.
A competent, qualified, experienced life coach would be a very good use of your time as well - only - if you are ready, willing and able to step up to your own power and start or continue that journey towards yourself and a better life.